Friday, May 10, 2024

Extra Love | Old Vines That Are Organically Certified at the Historic Vineyard Society Tasting

The Corison family's historic Cabernet vines in their Kronos Vineyard in Napa waited 50 years to get on the Historic Vineyard Society's list  but made it, at 53, to this 2024 tasting (Pictured here: Grace and Cathy Corison)

I loved attending the Historic Vineyards Society's first tasting since the pandemic, and only its second big public tasting ever. (The first was in 2018 at the Press Club in SF.) 

You can read my story about this epic event last weekend on today: Star Studded Historic Vines Tasting Showcases California's Treasures.

It's worth mentioning that some of these producers farm and certify their vineyards as organic. (Some on the HVS list still use Roundup, if you can believe it, though most are what is called "practicing organic.")

• Bedrock (Home Ranch only)

• Carol Shelton (Grapes purchased from Jose Lopez vineyards for Monga Zin)

• Corison (as of 2023 - congrats!) Kronos Vineyard

Rory Williams from Frog's Leap

• Frog's Leap (as of 1997, the first in Napa Valley)

• Ridge Vineyards (estate owned vineyards) (not Pagani in Sonoma Valley which still uses Roundup)

• Scythian (the grapes bought from the Galliano family, including Lopez Vineyard)

• Turley (various, owned vineyards; some are not owned)

• Under the Wire (wine sourced from Bedrock Vineyard)


• Louis M. Martini, Monte Rosso Vineyard (owned by Gallo)


I thought it was also noteworthy that there are two second-geners here on this list...Grace Corison (pictured with her mother Cathy) and Rory Williams (son of John Williams). One should also mention Morgan Twain Peterson of Bedrock and his dad Joel Peterson, too. May it continue.

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