The study, conducted by Dr. Paul Winchester, of Franciscan Health Indianapolis, is only a preliminary one, due to the small sample size of 61 pregnant women, but the disparities between the glyphosate exposure levels appears to be statistically significant.

To learn more, read Carey Gillam's piece today in the Huffington Post here.
CEHN also launched an online site today that explains glyphosate risks and pathways as well as preventive measures. You can find it here.
I haven't been able to locate a link with more detailed data showing the distributions associated with the graphs above, but I'm still hunting. Stay tuned. (Or email me if you find a link).
For more on Dr. Winchester, you might want to read this profile from the Indianapolis Business Journal. He's also profiled here.
Last year California wine grape growers used more than 700,000 pounds of glyphosate (the active ingredient in Roundup) on vineyards.
Here are some highlights of glyphosate use on wine grapes in leading counties. The numbers featured are the number of pounds applied to wine grapes, per 2014 California State Dept. of Pesticide Regulations reports.
Northern California
Napa: 43,000
Sonoma: 76,000
Central California
Madera: 88,000
San Joaquin (including Lodi): 93,000
San Luis Obispo (including Paso Robles): 42,000
Santa Barbara: 24,000
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