Tuesday, March 1, 2022

Catching up with IPCC

As climate becomes an ever increasingly important topic for life on earth, and in the wine world, it's time expand the conversation from eco-friendly wines to larger concerns for an eco-friendly world. 

The release of the IPCC's latest report issued Feb. 28, 2022 is yet another turning point in the continuing catastrophe. 

While one old white guy after another old white guy read their prepared statements before blue IPCC backdrops in the IPCC's videos on YouTube, even without the swirling TV graphics on regular TV channels, the message was clear. 

It drove many of us into even deeper despair, with three huge pools of collective grief: our post Covid grief, our Russian invasion grief and our renewed climate change grief.

If you did not see the video, take a look at the remarks of the UN Sec. Gen. who's encouraging finance that supports climate change investments. 

Before you watch (and I hope you will) the old white guys from the UN, have a look at this video from climate activist Bill McKibben, another old white guy from Vermont. The McKibben video is only 10 minutes, giving you the quick download, and includes a quick clip from the UN Sec. Gen.

All of these gray hairs have given significant portions of their life force to reducing the impacts of climate change and it's worth hearing what they have to say. The language they use is strong stuff. You may even do a double take. Now, roll video:

If you want to go whole hog on the IPCC download, go for it here:

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