Wednesday, February 3, 2021

Hey Wine! Wanna Know Why Organic Hard Seltzer is Winning and Organic Wine is Not?


Celebrities, sports, puns, inside jokes, and sex and ORGANIC. #Realisbetter

They're not talking about saving the planet or healthy soil. Or even the Golden State of Mind. They're talking like it's a sports drink. And fun. Yet real. 

And while you're into the topic of Michelob Ultra, look at all the add-on swag you can buy to announce your brand love.

I can't tell you how much pleasure it gives me when the voiceover says "USDA Certified Organic."

Think the wine industry can learn from this?

Then there's the follow on ad for their new Pineapple flavor hard seltzer with the USDA ORGANIC SEAL AS A VISUAL ICON IN THE AD.


But wait there's more. You know that place where it says "Our Causes" on every blimey wine website now? Michelob's outdone you here. Take a look. They're giving farmers money to make your next organic beer. And they're not saying it - they're tying it to your purchase of a six pack. This was the 2020 Super Bowl ad...tying football to the team sport - supporting organic farming.

And of course, there was the original, super sexy Zoe Kravitz Michelob Ultra Organic Beer ad from two years ago that was a big hit

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